Sunday, February 15, 2009

Even the Brits Can See We've Gone Wrong

This article quickly covers just how bad the BS package is, with a quick run down of why it sucks so badly. The British writer describes, with great clarity, the big mistake Obama and the Democrats made.

Obama is backing the most primitive interpretation of Keynes’s theories: that any form of government spending amounts to an economic stimulus. He is almost blind to supply-side economics, which suggests that if you want to encourage profitable job creation, you should concentrate on reducing companies’ payroll taxes – and then leave individual businesses to decide how best to employ the funds released.

Instead, the young president seems to want to take us back to some of the failed policies of the 1930s, under the mistaken impression that they were a great triumph. He illustrates with dreadful clarity George Santayana’s most-quoted aphorism: those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

Of course, any thinking person can see the Democrats are more worried about their pet programs than they are about helping the nation.

Too bad the rest of us have to pay for their lack of intellect.

Hat Tip Hot Air.

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