Why do we not hear more about what is good and right with America? Why do almost all of our politicians, Left and Right, want to harp on the negative aspects of our country. Everyone already knows about the negative aspects of our country. We can easily see that not everyone is rich. We know there are economic issues to address. We understand there is a concerted effort overseas to attack our core values of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
What we need is for our leaders to actually LEAD. We need them to stand up and remind us why people come from all across the globe to live in OUR country. Why people get in rickety boats and travel hundreds of miles or risk death crossing an arid landscape, just for a chance to live in our country. We need our politicians to remind us we are a great country that much of the world envies.
We need more of this!
Heck yeah! Palin/McCain '08!!!