Check out this video and listen for yourself to hear Barry's comments on why people with more money are supposed to give more.
Now, maybe it's just me, but I thought this was the land of the free, where success was rewarded... not punished. If you work hard and save your money, you can invest your money and earn the rewards. With Liberals, however, the money you earn should be invested to help others. It should be redistributed to others, as decided not by you, but by those who know better to give others a chance.
The funny thing Liberals always point out as a reason for "redistribution of wealth" is they want everyone to have a "chance" for success. The thing is, the way this country is currently set up, everyone has almost equal access to those things that lead to success.
You want an education? We'll give you access to public schools and teach you the basics. You want higher education? We'll give you access to subsidized loans and grants to fund your way through college. You want to be successful in the work place? We'll sponsor workforce incentives to give you access to work after you graduate. All of these are opportunities I personally have availed myself of.
The listed items above are just a short sampling of the assistance available. Now, with all of these resources (that we're already paying for), why does Obama feel the need to INCREASE taxes on successful families? And, furthermore, why did Obama feel the need to lie about it?
Questions you should ask before you vote.