Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And these people can vote?

First things first. Listen to this short MP3 file.

Now, listening to this, my first thought was, "They let these people vote?" I'm surprised not because the interview was Harlem. I'm surprised because the people they interviewed were so ill informed. These people didn't know where any of the candidates stood on the issues. They didn't even know who the VP candidate was, for heavens sake.

The power of democracy isn't the same as the power of the mob. Our Founding Father's wanted an informed electorate. They intended the republic to select leaders based on informed review of the different candidates positions. They didn't intend for demagoguery, sophistry and personality to be the deciding factors in an election.

For this election, things seem to be exactly backwards. Obama won the Democratic nomination because he represented himself as someone farther left than the other candidates. Suddenly, during the national campaign, Obama has reinvented himself as a more centrist candidate. All of this based on his rhetorical position.

At least with McCain, he won the nomination based on the positions he has espoused. His positions have been pretty consistent over this long campaign. In addition, he has an established history that shows he not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.

Actions we can trust. Words... not so much.