Friday, November 6, 2009

Now THIS is Real Healthcare Reform

The Republicans have an alternative Healthcare bill, which you wouldn't guess based on the news coverage it's received. This bill would be an alternative to the bill(s) Reid and Pelosi have tried to get through the House and the Senate. The Republican Healthcare bill does several necessary things to help lower the overall cost of healthcare.

  • Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.
  • Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.
  • Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.
  • Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it's good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Republican bill would cost around $61 Billion (a fraction of the $1 Trillion needed for the Democratic bill) and, here's the kicker, DECREASE the deficit by $68 Billion!!

Now that's Healthcare reform I can get behind.

Hat Tip - Hot Air

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