Monday, June 1, 2009

Progressives Need a Lesson in Proper Rhetorical Use (and History)

Revisionist ideas of what a 'war criminal' is usually come from the "Progressives" on the left. Typically, Liberals decry any kind of violence and hold sanctity of life holier than all else (except for freedom to abort, but that's another post). Anyone who even hints that some people, because of their actions against our country, do not deserve the judicial privileges American citizens enjoy are hounded and bothered, even at their homes. Mind you, this is not because the person has done anything illegal, they simply have voiced opinions that are not consistent with the "Progressives'" ideas of what is right.

Hyperbole and sophistry are familiar territory for Liberals. Thus it is easy for them to label any slight as a "war crime." However, when you look at the facts of a situation, you will usually see a much different perspective. For instance, this Pajamas TV video relating to the "war crime" of using nuclear weapons on Japan. The facts look at little different than those expressed by John Stewart on his comedy show.

Hat Tip - Hot Air

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