The United States is supposed to be a Republic. Our nation was founded on the rule of law, to help protect smaller and less popular ideas from being snuffed out by the rule of the mob, which we would see in a Democracy. In a Republic, laws and contracts apply to all individuals equally. However, our new Federal government seems to be changing that.
This article outlines how Obama's leadership is "undermining the legal and financial stability of the United States." And it's not the only article to notice our President's disdain for the rule of law. The articles touch on some major ways in which Obama's organized labor friends are receiving preferential treatment, instead of being treated equally under the law. Of course, influence pedaling and corruption is the Chicago way.
In addition to issues relating to Unions and other cronies , the Obama administration is interfering in our open banking system. This includes forcing certain private banks and financial organizations, such as Citibank, to take TARP money. This, in turn, gives the Federal Government a say in how these companies are run. This is not open business.
So far, with Obama's administration, we've seen bigger government being more intrusive in our businesses and everyday lives. Couple this with some of the losses of freedoms from Bush's push against terrorism with the misnamed Patriot Act and it's a dangerous mix. This is not how we made this nation great.
The recent tea parties, far from being partisan protests, show more that people are ready for the Federal government to step back out of our lives. If we are to succeed as individuals and as a nation, we need the Federal Government to get out of our way instead of laying down road blocks.
I believe it was Thoreau who said, "That government is best which governs least." On that note, I think we need a better government.
Hat Tip - Hot Air
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